Zodiac sign – Taurus

taurus zodiac sign
taurus zodiac sign

Characteristics: Taurus – zodiac sign

Both ladies and gentlemen, representatives of this sign are characterized by a significant attachment to material things. Reliability and financial stability are very important to Taurus. People born under this sign do nothing in vain. In personal relationships, Taurus is jealous because in all his actions he pursues his own interests and preferences and is their master. Taurus is a practical person. They are also materialistic people. They want to be financially secure and have a safe haven in their home environment. It should also be noted that people born under this zodiac sign are very calm and do not like mood swings. Also remember that even if Taurus doesn’t trust others very much, they will still open up as they get to know each other better. People born under this zodiac sign are very rational. Taurus also does not like changes and avoids conflicts. It is also worth adding that Taurus also loves tradition and routine.

Taurus zodiac sign:

Dates: 20 April — 22 May

whats taurus sign

Social skills: Taurus – zodiac sign

Taureans require a strong, self-confident family that will give them a sense of security. It is also worth mentioning that people of this zodiac sign are very family-oriented and prefer to take care of the entire family, so they make sure to receive gifts even to these people for no reason. The friendly Taurus does not like spending time with people who do not exercise enough. On the one hand, they prefer to be friends with people who have similar characteristics and interests. Thanks to this, Taurus can develop hobbies with people with similar passions. Taurus also likes people who are neat and organized. It is also worth noting that Taurus loves to talk to neighbors and establish good relationships. These people also provide good advice and are always happy to help.

taurus zodiac sign
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus (plus Mercury, Moon and Saturn)
Day: Friday
Color: green, pink
Compatible signs: Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus
Incompatible characters:
taurus zodiac sign

Woman – from the sign of Taurus

Taurus is clear about what he wants in life and can achieve it by tirelessly pursuing his goals. She loves being admired by men and it doesn’t bother her because her charm and unique sex appeal work like a magnet on her. She knows how to accentuate them with appropriate clothes, hairstyles and accessories. In short, he has a sense of style.

Taurus women need stability, but they can also be unpredictable, so they should always get what they want. First you need to decide whether to protest or show understanding. She is very strict in choosing her life partner and this should ensure her mental and physical stability. Mrs. Taurus did not like betrayal and often loved herself. Love and sex are important to her, but not the most important. First of all, she wants to find a man with whom she can create a comfortable home. She will be a caring mother and a good housewife.

Animals: ox, dolphin

Fruits: apple, pear, currant, grapes, plum

Flowers: rose, poppy, violet, daisy

Auspicious days:
Unfavorable days:

Man: from the sign of Taurus

Taurus prefers a quiet life, but does not like surprises. Also from the partner, who should be loyal to him. Ideally, she should be a well-groomed woman and at the same time an excellent hostess. And thrifty, because Taurus loves to surround himself with beautiful things and spends money on them, but prefers to spend as little as possible. No, he’s not poor, he just controls his spending. Taurus loves women and sex. However, fearing complications, they try to settle down and become loyal husbands. What matters is loyalty to your partner. Taurus does not want to risk losing the stability he has worked so hard for. It’s not worth it for them. Either way, he can appreciate his partner’s efforts and her concern for the family. He also cares about his loved ones.

whats taurus sign
Strengths: Zeal, determination, diligence, patience, logic, sensuality.

Weaknesses: Stubbornness, superstition, rebelliousness, gluttony, complacency, jealousy.
taurus zodiac sign

Child: Taurus

He pretends to be a little stupid and waits for his older brother, mother or father to do something for him. If a parent wants to force him to do something, he must be patient and protect himself from his pretty face. To leave him alone, she promised everything, hugged him, kissed him on the cheek and continued to go about her business. He also loves to rest. This lifestyle combined with a love of sweets is not very healthy for either children or adults. Especially since Taurus men are not born athletes.

What if the most important thing for him is a full stomach and long hours in bed? At school, this little bull prefers to sit at the computer or watch a movie on TV than dance on the playground or in the garden. When they get a little older, they won’t be able to get good grades anymore, but there is no need to force them to study. And it’s not about the desire to learn new things. He only dreams of finding a job with great opportunities. Mainly financial. And only a good school and studies at a prestigious university will allow him to achieve this. The ideal solution for him would be to work as a senior government official or work in a bank.

Lucky stones for Taurus: malachite, citrine, rose quartz, aventurine, agate

Happy plants: cypress, ficus, ash, mint

Taurus work:

Taurus is a very hard-working person. He has no great ambitions and gives 100% in every position. Taurus cares about the well-being of his family, so it is important to have something with him that he can safely use to support the entire family. It should also be remembered that Taurus is a hard-working person who also has the good of the company in mind, which is why he wants to complete the project as best as possible for his employer. Taurus people also show artistic abilities, which means they can perform various creative tasks.

whats taurus sign
Famous people of the Taurus zodiac sign:
George Clooney,
Rami Malek,
Adele and Gigi Hadid,
William Shakespeare, Salvador Dali,
Pope John Paul II,
Mark Zuckerberg,
Sigmund Freud,
Audrey Hepburn,
Elizabeth II,
Al Pacino,
david beckham
Rami Malek,
Adele and Gigi Hadid,
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