Zodiac sign – Leo

leo zodiac sign
leo zodiac sign

Characteristics: Leo – zodiac sign

The attention of loved ones and friends is very important to Leo. Leos love so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything they have for their loved ones. They must shine and receive the crown of success. They love to rule and lead. Although Leo is selfish, he can be generous when praised during a speech. As befits a true King, self-confident and ambitious, Leo likes to be the center of attention. And most often this is what happens.

He convinces with his charisma, extraordinary energy, sense of humor and joy of life. The strong nature of the lion can be difficult for the environment because he must completely follow his vision. On the other hand, Leos are friendly, loyal and very caring. He can fight for the herd and is not afraid to use extreme measures. He willingly participates in various projects and reacts poorly to failures that undermine his self-esteem. Hurting your pride is the worst thing a lion can do. Leo’s life would not be easy if someone unintentionally undermined the trust he had in him. The weaknesses of people of this sign include vanity, pride and dominance.

Leo zodiac sign:

Dates: 23 July — 23 August

whats leo sign

Social skills: Leo – zodiac sign

Leos value a warm, family atmosphere where they feel comfortable and safe. However, their strong character and difficulty in giving up their rights and expectations may cause conflicts in the family. So if you quarrel with your Leo and the problem escalates, you must be nice to him so that the conflict does not escalate. Leos are very loyal and devoted friends, but they need time to see if someone they can be friends with is the right one.

leo zodiac sign
Element: fire
Ruling planet: Sun (plus Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto)
Day: Sunday
Color: red, white
Season: spring

Ideal partner: Libra
Good match: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini
Neutral: Leo
Not the best match: Virgo, Cancer, Pisces
Poor match: Capricorn
leo zodiac sign

Woman – under the sign of Leo

The Leo woman knows her value and wants to shine at every step. He expects to be admired both at home and at work. She has usually had a turbulent career and finds work a challenging adventure. She has a sense of style, but she can also be ostentatious. Leo woman in love is looking for fireworks. He wants to be the only and most important thing for his partner. He tends to dominate and dominate even in relationships with the opposite sex. As a mother, Leo cannot see the world beyond her children. Dedicated and caring, she can protect the interests of her children like a lioness.

Animals: cats, lions, panther lynxes

Fruits: apple, grapes

Flowers: sunflower, celandine, marigold, rose

Auspicious days:
Unfavorable days:

Man: Leo

Leo men are masters of seduction. They know that they make a great impression on women. They change the objects of their affection very often. But when someone wins his heart and actually falls in love, he no longer sees the world except this one. They become very sensitive and compassionate. They do everything they can to make her feel comfortable. They pamper her, shower her with compliments and gifts. But in return they expect adoration and one hundred percent devotion.

whats leo sign
Strengths: strength, philanthropy, cordiality, caring, loyalty

Weaknesses: Arrogance, complacency, vanity, domineering, libertinism, pride
leo zodiac sign

Child: Leo

The Leo child likes everything that is fashionable and branded. Leos are proud, ambitious and persistent in pursuing goals. At school, he excels in some subjects and does well in competitions, but in others he can barely move from class to class and argues with teachers at the same time. Young lions want to grow up quickly, so they need to be protected from nonsense. In childhood, the desire to be independent can harm them. Teenagers can get into trouble for driving without a license and giving birth prematurely…

Lucky stones for Aries: amber, garnet, diamond, ruby, carnelian

Happy plants: laurel, olive trees, palm, walnut, lemon tree

Lion’s work:

Anyone who knows Leos knows that they like to live in luxury and spend money frivolously. On the other hand, ambition, persistence, discipline and creativity allow him to achieve professional success in high positions. Confident, intelligent and brave, Leo has all the makings of a career in almost any field. Either way, his charisma makes it easier for him to achieve public success as an actor, singer, politician and journalist. There is no shortage of astrological Leos among famous actors, singers, politicians and journalists. Concentrated and effective, Leos are work giants, but they are also optimists who can motivate others to work. He is strict, but he is a good boss.

leo zodiac sign
Famous people of the Leo zodiac sign: Napoleon Bonaparte,
Benito Mussolini,
bill clinton,
Alexander Dumas,
Charlize Theron,
Hilary Swank,
Audrey Tautou,
Whitney Houston
Antonio Banderas,
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