Zodiac sign – Cancer

cancer zodiac sign
cancer zodiac sign

Characteristics: Cancer – zodiac sign

Cancer is the most spiritual and compassionate sign of the zodiac. The most important thing for him is home, children, family and caring for others. His goal is to do everything to make the house cozy and comfortable. Cancers care very much about their health, so they choose not only tasty but also healthy food. They like not only cooking, but also setting the table. It is very important for them to have warm and sincere conversations with the whole family at the table. Women are housewives and have no motivation to develop their careers. If they choose a career, it will certainly be related to children and home. Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive person. People of this sign do not handle pressure and criticism well. They are endowed with intuition, which allows them to be careful when choosing a career, interpersonal relationships and managing finances.

Don’t expect a Cancer to quit his job overnight, get married on the third date, or spend his life savings traveling the world. Cancers follow plans and rarely act spontaneously. They have many interests and like to talk about many topics. Cancers are very sensitive and loyal people. They are good listeners, read people’s emotions very well and highly value loyalty and loyalty. Cancers attach great importance to material well-being, which is why they make sure they have money.

Cancer zodiac sign:

Dates: 22 June — 22 July

whats cancer sign

Social skills: Cancer – zodiac sign

Cancer is one of the best friends in the world, and this is due to his loyalty and devotion to his loved ones. What makes Cancers good friends is their innate ability to listen and high levels of empathy. Cancers willingly listen to the problems of their loved ones, always try to help in any way possible, and their friendship often lasts a lifetime. Cancer values family in life and tries to maintain good relationships, even with distant relatives. Spending time at family gatherings is one of the most popular activities that Cancers choose in their free time. In addition, Cancer tries to maintain a very strong sense of security, which can only be achieved in a happy and close-knit family.

cancer zodiac sign
Element: fire
Ruling planet: Moon (plus Venus and Mercury)

Color: blue, graphite, silver gray, light green,
cancer zodiac sign

Woman – from the sign of Cancer

She is a calm person, but her mood changes easily. Life satisfaction suddenly turns into dark despair, often for trivial reasons. He cannot stand critical statements about himself and reacts to them with irritation. She prefers to be treated like a woman rather than an object that her partner can conquer. Her ideals are Pisces, Libra and… Cancer men. A romantic housewife who marries only for love. She knows how to run a house, takes care of children and loves her partner. is well organized. Thanks to her, everything goes like clockwork at home, she is interested in the children’s problems and she is able to make her husband happy. He often expresses his feelings through cooking and has a talent for cooking.

Ideal partner: Pisces
Good match: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo
Neutral: Aries
Not the best match: Libra, Sagittarius
Poor match: Aquarius

Animals: bee, duck, cat, frog, pig, rabbit, hare
Fruit: all fruits
Flowers: white flowers, lily, white rose, water lily

Man: from the sign of Cancer

The emotional and romantic nature of cancer should be appreciated. All the more so because they are also wonderful lovers, unrivaled in the art of seduction. They know how to take care of women and are very good at recognizing and responding to their needs. Once they find someone with whom they can build a safe haven, they become homeowners, sometimes even under the control of their wives. You just need to get enough praise from her to emphasize their uniqueness. Mr. Cancer is usually a traditionalist, so blood ties, family, intimacy and distance are the most important to him. He is cautious, so it takes him some time to fully acknowledge his feelings. However, he will remain loyal to his partner if he decides to start a serious relationship.

whats cancer sign
Strengths: Imagination, intuition, tenacity, emotionality, thoughtfulness, caution

Weaknesses: Stinginess, irritability, depression, possessiveness, variability, hypersensitivity
cancer zodiac sign

Child: born under the sign of Cancer

It’s not very independent. Why should you learn to tie your shoelaces if an adult can do it better? She clings to her mother’s skirt and prefers to keep a lamp on by her bed at night. Shy in a group of peers, afraid of ridicule and prefers to play alone. He prefers to stay at home rather than run around the yard with other children. As a student, he enjoys learning because he has a good memory and a passion for books. She is smart and always does her homework, but she is innately shy, she doesn’t shine in class, she is afraid to approach her and ask for the answer. You need to be patient with him and he should feel that you always support him. And the main task is to increase his self-confidence.

Lucky stones for Cancer: jasper, coral, carnelian, white chalcedony, garnet, hematite, amethyst, ruby, carnelian

Happy plants: all trees

Cancer work:

Cancer is a born materialist, so money is very important to him. That doesn’t mean he’ll do anything to get it. He’s not looking for fame or a career, but the atmosphere and relationships at work are more important to him. Natural empathy predisposes him to professions that allow him to devote himself to others: doctors, psychologists, educators, therapists, social workers. Cancer is a great employee, highly valued by both his superiors and the team. He is able to apply his sensitivity, intuition and observation in creative work.

cancer zodiac sign
Famous people of the Cancer zodiac sign: Princess Diana, Frida Khalo, Peter Paul Rubens, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Ernest Hemingway, Tom Cruise, Julius Caesar
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