Zodiac sign – Aries

aries zodiac sign
aries zodiac sign

Characteristics: Aries – zodiac sign

Aries warm up quickly and are enthusiastic about anything new, but they will also cool down quickly if they lose interest. For this reason, they often do not finish the work they start. They are fascinated by everything new. Aries is energetic, strong, honest and adventurous. It is important that he realizes that he is a personality and that he must be number one in everything. Aries loves exploring the world and traveling to exotic places. Their internal energy helps them not only in geographical conquests, but also in building a successful career regardless of the chosen field. Their strong determination supports them in achieving their goals.

Sometimes they are not willing to compromise when trying to achieve them. This can often lead to various problems because they lack diplomatic skills along the way. Convinced of their infallibility and always believing that they are right, even if everything indicates otherwise, Aries do not hide it – they support their stubbornness with words and actions, regardless of the protests of others. They speak and act before they think. Many talents, supported by enormous energy, result in many outstanding people born under this sign who excel in surprisingly diverse fields. Famous lovers such as Casanova, renowned artist Leonardo da Vinci, philosopher and mathematician Descartes, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach were all born under the sign of Aries.

Aries zodiac sign:

Dates: 21 March – 19 (20) April

what aries sign

Social skills: Aries – zodiac sign

This strongest of all zodiac signs demands a lot not only from others, but also from themselves. She is ready to make sacrifices and help those in need. No wonder, because he copes with adversity the best of all. Maintains a clear mind in difficult situations. What often saves him is his great sense of humor. Although he can be painfully honest, which is not always pleasant, Aries is very liked and appreciated for his good heart and willingness to act for the benefit of others. Although Aries likes people and company, they prefer to work alone. His endless energy and resourcefulness bring benefits to the team, while his inability to defer to others can be a hindrance.

aries zodiac sign
what aries sign
Element: fire

Ruling planet: Mars (and additionally the Sun and Venus)

Fruits: oranges, lemons, grapefruits

Day: Tuesday

Color: red, (white)

aries zodiac sign

Woman – under the sign of Aries

This is not a person who plays a secondary role. On the contrary, she is a true leader. Even in contacts with others, especially in male-female relationships, he always wants to take the initiative. He likes changes and has lots of ideas, which he implements regardless of the opposition of others. She is absolutely sure that she is right and therefore reacts to criticism or opposition from others with fierce stubbornness. Sometimes she can even be quite rude if things don’t go her way. A woman in love is passionate about her partner, showing him joy, passion and enthusiasm. However, if it turns out that he is not the one she dreams about – and she can find out about it quite quickly, because Aries in love can understand everyone – she has no problem with ending the relationship.

Why bother fighting when life offers so many other possibilities? While looking for these opportunities, he likes to flirt. The ideal partner for her is a man who can calmly cope with her dominant character, without limiting her. It will also help her at home, because Aries in love finds fulfillment more in work than in family life and running the house. In return, she will be a passionate lover, a cheerful and energetic life companion. The ideal candidate for her soul mate would be a man born under the sign of Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Scorpio.

Ideal partner: Leo
Good match: Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra
Neutral: Virgo
Not the best match: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
Bad match: Aries

Auspicious days: February 22, March 24, October 10, November 3

Unfavorable days: January 10, April 8, August 13, September 23.

Man: Aries

This strongest of all zodiac signs demands a lot not only from others, but also from themselves. She is ready to make sacrifices and help those in need. No wonder, because he copes with adversity the best of all. Maintains a clear mind in difficult situations. What often saves him is his great sense of humor. Although he can be painfully honest, which is not always pleasant, Aries is very liked and appreciated for his good heart and willingness to act for the benefit of others. Although Aries likes people and company, they prefer to work alone. His endless energy and resourcefulness benefit the team, while his inability to defer to others can be a hindrance.

what aries sign
Strengths: ambition, courage, energy, kindness, entrepreneurship.

Weaknesses: egocentrism, dominance, impulsiveness, impatience, rudeness.
aries zodiac sign

Child: Aries

Children born under the sign of Aries are often very enthusiastic about taking on new activities and acquiring knowledge, which can help them become good leaders. However, they can also be stubborn and inflexible in their beliefs, requiring parents to help channel their energy and motivation in positive ways.

Lucky stones for Aries: opal, hematite, chalcedony, diamond, ruby, carnelian

Lucky plants: mint, hawthorn, tiger lily, nettle, holly, walnut

Work :

Brave and uncompromising, Aries are best suited for managerial and independent positions. Basically, the complexity of facial features guarantees complete success, unless the impulsive nature of Aries prevents it. He loves competition and is always the first to reach the finish line. It is also ideal for uniformed services in trade and education.

aries zodiac sign
Famous people of the Taurus zodiac sign: Buddha, Sigmund Freud, Elizabeth II, William Shakespeare, Al Pacino, Catherine the Great, Audrey Hepburn, George Clooney
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